何故英語を学ぶのか? 〜 世界平和のために!
Alexis Dudden教授 |
うち、Alexis Dudden教授(米コネティカット大学)の詳細記事(Japan Focus=コーネル大学Mark Selden教授主宰)は多くの知日派識者に伝わり、賛同者を得た。
参照:Nominating Article 9 for the 2015 Nobel Peace Prize 憲法9条、2015年ノーベル平和賞推薦のために
文中にある小西洋之議員の平和構築Peace Creationへの熱情、9条研究、行動力には脱帽させられた。
参照:2014年7月22日 日本外国特派員協会主催記者会見:“Nominating Article 9 for Nobel Peace Prize”
また、「憲法と幣原喜重郎(第44代内閣総理大臣)」という驚嘆すべき研究者であるKlaus Schlichtmann博士にも大いに励まされた。
左)Peter van den Dungen博士 中)山根和代:立命館大・国際平和ミュージアム副館長 右)Edward W. Lollis氏:世界の平和博物館 |
後述、英Bradford大学のPeter van den Dungen博士による(オスロ宛)推薦文は、戦後70年の節目にあって、日本の二つの平和団体の親和性(=A.ノーベルの平和への遺志に添う)を簡潔に、かつ強く訴えている。ご本人の許可を得て、報告する次第。
尚、文中(及び、本稿タイトル)の「Laying Down Arms武器を捨てよ」とは、ノーベル平和賞の女性初の受賞者、ベルタ・ズットナーの著書(1889 原題 Die Waffen nieder)である。
■ 関連サイト
・ ノーベル平和賞推薦要項
・ オスロ合意 (1993)
Klaus Schlichtmann博士 |
■ 関連拙稿サイト
・PeaceとPacifist 〜 ビジネスも平和が前提
・N.チョムスキー教授: 現存で最高の知識人 (NYタイムズ)
・文化(文明でなく)の衝突 〜勝てない戦い〜
Subject: Nobel nomination
Bradford, 30th January 2015
The Norwegian Nobel Committee
Norwegian Nobel Institute
Dear members of the Norwegian Nobel Committee,
I would like to nominate for this year's peace prize two organizations in Japan which, for many years, have been in the forefront of promoting two great and not unrelated causes: abolition of nuclear weapons, and defense of Art. 9 of the Japanese constitution.
The survivors of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki have been for many decades, and continue to be, among the most energetic, passionate, and convincing advocates of nuclear disarmament. These Hibakusha are aging, and for many, it is an agony and great disappointment that the cause to which they have dedicated their shattered lives remains a dream. In this 70th anniversary year, it would be most appropriate and deserved if their efforts would, at long last, be recognized by the award of the prize. They have been and continue to be a major force in the global movement for the abolition of nuclear weapons. Nihon Hidankyo, the federation of survivors' organizations, is the most representative organization to receive the award which would be widely welcomed, both at home and worldwide. It would, moreover, and equally importantly, provide a stimulus for the abolition of nuclear weapons and a counterweight to current plans of nuclear powers to modernise their arsenals.
Article 9 has been seriously eroded over the years, not least with the encouragement of the USA, and now is being further weakened by the measures being introduced by the present government - against the express wishes of the vast majority of the Japanese people. At the same time, these policies of the Abe government are causing alarm in the region, first and foremost in China and Korea where the legacy of Japanese militarism and colonialism is still keenly felt. Grassroots movements for the protection of Art. 9 have existed for many years and at various times have been estimated to number 6,000 groups and more. The Article 9 Association, established by leading intellectuals, is widely seen as the most representative organisation in the field. The strong popular support for the maintenance and indeed strengthening of Art. 9 has been shown by the campaign which has been launched during the past two years, and which has brought many signatures to Oslo. The award to the Article 9 Society would be welcomed not only by the vast majority of Japanese, but also by the country's neighbors. Moreover, it would make this remarkable, indeed revolutionary, constitutional article much better known around the world.
The joint award to these two Japanese organizations would be fully in accordance with the purposes for which Alfred Nobel created the prize.
'Laying Down Arms' has become an imperative for the nuclear age - with Hiroshima and Nagasaki as stark warnings of the alternative. At a time when much of the world is commemorating the centenary of the First World War, an award for the cause of the abolition of nuclear weapons, and of the abolition of standing armies and of the option to go to war (as determined by Art. 9) would be a most meaningful way for your esteemed committee to indicate the necessity of learning lessons.
With kind regards.
Yours sincerely,
Dr. Peter van den Dungen
Peace Studies Lecturer (1976-2000),
Visiting Lecturer (2000-2013),
Visiting Fellow (2014-),
General coordinator, International Network of Museums for Peace (INMP, 1992-),
Visiting Fellow, Norwegian Nobel Institute (2000),
University of Bradford
Bradford BD7 1DP UK